Public rally held in AJK to show solidarity with flood affectees, rescue workers

MIRPUR [AJK], Aug 30 (APP): Thousands of people belonging to all segments of the civil society here on Tuesday staged ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ rally with prime focus to raised awareness among the masses to participate in the country-wide, including AJK, fund raising drive for the rehabilitation of the country-fellows affected by the devastating floods in almost all parts of the country.

The rally was jointly organized by all sections of the civil society which reiterated full solidarity and integrity with the armed forces of Pakistan to encourage, lauding their tremendous role for the safety and protection of the lives and properties of the Pakistani nation in any natural catastrophe, such as earthquakes and floods.

The rally started from Quaid-e-Azam stadium as the participants of the rally carried placards and banners bearing slogans, raising the need of generous financial and material relief for the flood affectees, passed through Mian Muhammad Road and Allama Iqbal Road and converged into a public congregation at central shaheed chowk.

The participants of the rally were holding national flags of Pakistan and banners bearing slogans of full solidarity with the valiant armed forces of Pakistan and all other patriotic forces of the motherland – engaged in the relief works to save and rehabilitate the precious lives through lifting the marooned people in the flooded parts of the country.