Politically motivated verdict dents Indian SC’s credibility: AJK PM

ISLAMABAD, Dec 13 (APP): Azad Jammu & Kashmir Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq on Wednesday said that the Indian Supreme Court’s judgement validating the abrogation of the Article 370 of Indian Constitution was a lopsided and politically motivated which had dented its credibility as an independent institution.

Talking to the media here at the Jammu Kashmir House, the AJK PM said that the people of Kashmir had already rejected the Modi government’s unilateral move of August 5, 2019.

Referring to the contentious Babri Masjid verdict and the sham trial that led to the death penalty of Shaheed Afzal, he said that the Kashmiris had never expected justice from the Indian judiciary.

“Putting a stamp of approval to the actions which the Modi government had taken on Kashmir since August 5, 2019, has made the Indian judiciary fully exposed,” the PM said. The Indian Supreme Court had rather proved itself to be a subordinate institution of the government.

“The Indian judiciary has a very poor record when it comes to delivering justice to victims,” the PM said. Be it the judicial murder of Afzal Guru or Babri Masjid verdict the Indian judiciary had failed to do justice, he added.

PM Anwar said that Modi’s fascist government was using the judiciary as a weapon against the Kashmiris. He,. however, maintained that such tactics would not help it in deflecting the world attention away from the real issue and deprive the Kashmiri people of their birthright, the right of self-determination.

“Inshallah, the Kashmiris will achieve their cherished goal of freedom from India’s occupation,” he said.

The AJK PM said that the day was not far when the Kashmiri people would materialize the dream their forefathers had envisioned much before the establishment of Pakistan as a sovereign state.

He said that the Indian Supreme Court’s verdict had no moral or legal standing. “It cannot extinguish the torch of freedom the residents of Occupied Kashmir have kept alight for the last several decades,” he said.

Expressing solidarity with the Kashmiri people on the other side of the Line of Control, he said, “Let me assure my brothers and sisters in the Indian occupied territory of Jammu and Kashmir that the government and people of Azad Jammu & Kashmir stand shoulder to shoulder with them in their just struggle for right of self determination.”

He urged the international community to take effective notice of the Indian government’s unlawful actions and play its much needed role to help resolve the Kashmir dispute peacefully in line with the Uinted Nations resolutions.